Mumbai-based Good Morning Films has added a new talent to its creative roster, bringing director Akanksha Seda on board to elevate its filmmaking capabilities. The production company, which has won over 150 awards since its founding two decades ago, currently houses four directors and has built a reputation for delivering high-caliber advertising films.
Seda, with over a decade of experience spanning television promos, digital content, short films, and advertising, joins the company after her tenure at Nineteen Films. Her diverse skills as a writer, motion-graphic artist, editor, and voice-over artist complement her extensive background in directing high-profile campaigns.
In her decade-long career, she has contributed to notable projects such as Whisper’s ‘The missing chapter’, Ariel’s ‘Share the load’ initiative, and campaigns for brands like Jaquar, Procter & Gamble, Engage, Gatorade, and McDowell’s. Her work has earned accolades from industry awards like the Abbies, Effies, Kyurious, and Promax Worldwide.
In her new role, Seda will be expected to maintain her creative momentum while furthering Good Morning Films' reputation for producing standout advertising content. Speaking to Campaign, she shared her excitement about joining Good Morning Films, citing its pioneering role in the advertising filmmaking space as a major draw.
“Growing up, I admired the work of Shashank Chaturvedi, co-founder and director of the production house. His campaign for The Times of India’s Chennai edition, 'Naaka Mukka—A Day in the Life of Chennai,' was a personal favourite. Joining Good Morning Films is an incredible opportunity to continue honing my storytelling craft alongside a team that has consistently set the bar for excellence,” Seda said.
Vikram Kalra, co-founder and executive producer of Good Morning Films, expressed his enthusiasm about Seda's arrival. He emphasised that her role would be to continue crafting creative campaigns that effectively communicate brand messaging.
“Seda’s range as a storyteller is impressive. From emotionally resonant narratives to stylistically bold edits, her work aligns perfectly with our approach to filmmaking. We’re thrilled to support her vision and help her push creative boundaries in her future projects,” Kalra told Campaign.
Good Morning Films has long focused on scripts that challenge conventions, whether through simple ideas or ambitious concepts. The production house's belief in creating compelling advertising content with a good cause or purpose has guided its choice of projects since its inception in 2004. This philosophy is one that Seda shares, and Kalra believes her talent will continue to attract high-profile clients.
The production company has produced award-winning campaigns for major brands, including Thums Up, Asus, Times of India, Bournvita, Bajaj Pulsar, Mahindra Thar, and Coca-Cola. The key to their success, according to Kalra, is their emphasis on memorable characters and narratives. Whether a campaign is designed for television, social media, or other platforms, the team at Good Morning Films has set its sight on creating content that resonates with audiences and elevates the brand.
Seda’s understanding of the evolving digital landscape, particularly her experience with platforms like Instagram and branded content, is expected to bring fresh insights to the company. She has also experimented with generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) tools like Midjourney, which she has used in past projects to enhance pre-production and visual storytelling. Seda plans to continue exploring these technologies in her new role, helping the production house stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital age.
As marketing continues to shift toward digital platforms that require a constant flow of content, Good Morning Films is positioning itself as a strategic partner for brands, going beyond execution to provide comprehensive support. Kalra stressed that the company has always seen itself as more than just a production house, offering a holistic approach that aligns closely with agency and client goals to build stronger brands.
"We regularly produce films for well-known brands like Thums Up, Bournvita, Clinic Plus, Mahindra Thar, and Vodafone. The results speak for themselves—when a consistent team of agency, client, and director collaborate effectively, the outcome is powerful and enduring for the brand," Kalra explained.
With Seda joining the team, Good Morning Films aims to continue its tradition of partnering with agencies and clients to create advertising campaigns that leave a lasting impression on audiences. By leveraging her talent and the company’s expertise, they hope to further solidify their position as a forward-thinking production house in the Indian advertising film industry.