McDowell’s No.1 Soda has launched another film on its 'Yaari' (Friendship) platform. The campaign has been conceptualised by DDB Mudra. A 30-second edit of the two-minute film will air on television.
The film shows a group of three friends embarking on a journey together. It begins with the young men in a car. One of the them accuses the other of 'thinking a lot' these days. The accused just smiles back at the other, while their friend looks on. The film cuts to them running through a farm, towards a water body. They spend time by it reminiscing about their first trek. When they try to cross a river across which a tree bark serves as a bridge, two of them motivate the third, who hesitates initially. But he heeds their advice and makes his way across. Lying down in the forest, the young man who was thoughtful in the car and hesitated to cross the river, says, 'Everything has changed'. His friends disagree and say nothing has changed and nothing will, ever. They reach a water fall. Two of them are excited, while their hesitant and introspective friend sits down. The two urge him to take the plunge, but he angrily says he can't do it, and that he's fine sitting down. One of his friends tells him that everyone is fine in their place, but that they are born to fly. It is revealed that the friend who refused to join them in the waterfall, is handicapped. He takes off his wooden leg, takes support of his friends and decides to jump off the cliff. The film ends with him delighted as he emerges from the water. The brand's message is, 'Yaaron Se Bane Hum' (We are made by our friends).
Subroto Geed, SVP – marketing, United Spirits, said, “We believe the 'Yaaron se bane hum' campaign is an incredibly strong idea that is brought to life with an outstanding creative. The journey began with defining ‘Yaari’ through the bonds of brotherhood and this new campaign celebrates how that dynamic transforms an individual through his journey of self-discovery. Backed by media-first thinking, we are excited to deploy our biggest campaign to date through an intelligent multimedia approach."
Sonal Dabral, chairman and CCO, DDB Mudra Group has written the poetry for the film and also directed it. He said, “McDowell’s No.1 soda is famous for its iconic and inimitable marketing and ‘Yaaron Se Bane Hum’ campaign is no different. The fundamental creative shift that we have made with ‘Yaaron Se Bane Hum’ campaign is by showcasing No.1 Yaari through an individual’s perspective and hence making it a narrative that will make people introspect about how friends anchor them through life’s defining moments. I was so inspired and moved by this narrative that I decided to not just write the poetry but even direct the film myself. Here's to our deepest friendships. Here's to No.1 Yaari!”