With Nivea’s 100th year celebration, it has rolled out a new ad campaign positioned on the global platform of 'Better Skincare For Life', featuring the skincare product line – Nivea Body lotions.
Actor Anushka Sharma is a part of the new campaign.
Commenting on the reasaon behind Sharma's appointment as brand ambassador in India, Rakshit Hargave, managing director, Nivea India, said, “Anushka was a natural choice for Nivea Body Lotions, given that she embodies what the brand stands for - ‘trust, honesty, international appeal with core Indian values and high family orientation’.”
Interface Communications is the creative agency behind the new campaign.
Asked about what more is expected in India as part of the 100 year celebrations, Rath said, "We have started the celebration on the 16th of July in India with an evening filled with nostalgia and reliving the 100 years of Nivea’s skin care. Joining in its celebrations was the newest member in the Nivea family, actor Anushka Sharma. We have a multilevel campaign planned in key metros focusing on Nivea's Skin Care expertise through the Nivea skin lounges where consumers get to know more about their skin and get tips on how to be endowed with better skin for life. The consumer activation also offers a platform to "Meet Rihanna Live" at Hamburg through the 'My Skin Moment' contest, where consumers get to submit their favourite skin moments as part of the contest.
Last but not the least, as part of PLAN ‘We care & connect’ INDIA - which is caring for underprivileged children, to support, foster and develop educational programs for them, Nivea India supports the education of children in the state of Uttarakhand by increasing the school enrolment rate and by improving the quality of education in 40 primary schools, which are a part of model school project comprising 400 schools."