Ford India has gone the distance in digital and launched their new car Fiesta with a digital lead-in campaign. The campaign, 'The Fiesta Experience', features four people from different walks of life sharing their real experiences while driving the car across a 10-day, 1,310 km drive from Delhi to Diu.
Commenting on the idea behind this campaign, Nigel E Wark, executive director, sales and marketing, Ford India said, “By putting the customer at the heart of all our activities, the new Fiesta experience campaign dials this up further with ‘real people’ and their ‘real experiences’. Co-create is the keyword and this campaign has brought that to life.”
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The brand had embarked on a non-traditional campaign, with the car being launched at a mall in Delhi rather than in the confines of a hotel. Moreover, the car was kept on display at the mall for creating a continuous engagement opportunity with consumers. The setup, titled ‘Fiesta Cafe’, came up on April 14 and featured a video wall where customers could get information about the car by interacting with hand gestures. “Every touch-point within the cafe was technology laced,” added Anurag Mehrotra, vice president, marketing, Ford India.
The four individuals, who were part of the campaign, were shortlisted from 700 applications from across the country, based on their personality traits, availability and their vibrancy on the social networking websites. The participants featured in the campaign are video journalist Vikram Aditya Singh, Monica Joon, a professional sportsperson, Shruti Sharma, a travel writer, and adventure consultant Archit Rakheja.
The 10-day drive started in the third week of July in Delhi and ended on July 30 in Diu. The reactions of the participants were recorded on a camera, fixed in the car. These captured footages were edited and uploaded on social networks like YouTube and Facebook on their personal profiles as well as the official Ford pages. The TVC has been created with snippets from the videos that were released on the social media websites earlier.
The campaign, targeted at the age group of 28-32 years from the Tier I and Tier II cities of India, is created by JWT India, Delhi. The media mandate is handled by Mindshare. Click here to access Ford Fiesta's Facebook page to watch the other videos.
CEO told Campaign's sister title, PRWeek, that some of the comments being made about his decision to require all employees to work in the office at least four days a week do not reflect the views of many staff.
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