IPG Mediabrands has launched Magna in India. Magna is the centralised IPG Mediabrands resource that develops intelligence, investment and innovation strategies for agency teams and clients. The agency utilises key insights, forecasts and strategic relationships to provide clients with a competitive marketplace advantage.
Two key resources of IPG Mediabrands India, Hema Malik, COO, Lodestar UM and Arun Sharma, managing partner, Initiative, will become joint heads of Magna in India, in addition to their current roles.
Shashi Sinha, CEO, IPG Mediabrands India, said, “Our aim is to make IPG Mediabrands the most sophisticated and cutting-edge media holding company in India. Therefore it will be our endeavour to bring in new line of global services to the country that will deliver better results for our client’s businesses.”
Malik said, “Our scale backed by market intelligence and strong relationship will give us a competitive advantage in the dynamic media marketplace.” Sharma adds, “There is lot of latent potential within the agency that’s going to be unraveled with launch of Magna for the betterment of the whole ecosystem --clients, media partners and the agency. I believe the timing is just right.”