sandeep vij

Jan 10, 2012

Sandeep Vij to move out of DDB Mudra

Vij is DDB India's chief executive officer, and DDB Mudra Group's chief knowledge officer and executive director

Oct 05, 2011

Saugata Bagchi rejoins Tribal DDB as vice president

Bagchi was with Solutions-Digitas prior to this

Sep 23, 2011

Clarification on buzz about DDB Mudra's Rajeev Raja

He isn't quitting, but is in talks with DDB Mudra's management to find a way to devote more time to his music

Oct 22, 2009

Really, really simplifying Mudra

In the last issue, we did an All About on the Mudra Group which served to confuse more than simplify. Campaign India’s Bindu Nair Maitra spent considerable time to understand the group’s various entities and all that they stood for, how they meshed into each other and how they added value to each other — and how the sum of the parts added up to more than the individual offerings of the fast growing group 

Sep 22, 2009

DDB Mudra appoints Rajiv Sabnis as president

DDB Mudra has brought Rajiv Sabnis (pictured) on board, as president of the India operations. Before this appointment, Sabnis was with M&C Saatchi as executive director. Sabnis' new responsibilities include focusing on growing the agency and building a team  of individuals that would be well-suited to DDB Mudra. He will also look at the agency's partnership with Indian clients, who can benefit by DDB's global network.

Aug 20, 2009

RAPP India hires Venkat Mallik as president

RAPP India has appointed Venkat Mallik (pictured) as the president of its India operations. Mallik joins RAPP India from PRS-Permacel, an erstwhile Johnson & Johnson company, where he was business head of the brand risk management business.

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