What worked:
The ad normalises the presence of women in workspaces, as independent workers, team members and as bosses. It is done effortlessly with confident and ambitious people from different sexes and cultural backgrounds using the shared workspace.
Gender Sensitivity Score (GSS): 3.75/5
What did not work:
Why is it that we tend to show women talking in a derogatory manner about other women? Why do we show them as jealous and competitive always?
GSS: 2.5/5
Though it may appear funny, the ad subliminally conveys the message that women are less professional in their work by showing a woman director being distracted by a sale, while shooting a scene.
GSS: 2.5/5
Where is the need for body shaming the girl who would be chosen by the father? Ultimately, it looks like the panic is more about getting married to a girl who is not 'beautiful' rather than about getting married against one's wishes.
GSS: 2.5/5
Special mention:
If only it was so easy to win the heart of a boy/girl of our choice. Imagine a boy chewing Center fresh to win the girl and the girl rejecting him, on the assumption that he suffers from foul breath! Ads tend to simplify relationships so much!
What could have worked:
It is good that the ad talks about overcoming fear and portrays women as well. However, there is subtle stereotyping of women overcoming fear in exercising their choices and men pursuing their adventurous activities. Wish the ad had shown women pursuing some hard-core adventure sports.
GSS: 2.75/5
Other films from last week:
GSS: 3/5
GSS: 3/5
GSS: 2.75/5
GSS: 3.25/5
GSS: 3/5
GSS: 2.75/5