Today, people are taking a moment of silence to honor Michael Jackson and millions of people have commented in articles and on social media about their feelings and emotions around this tragedy.
I spent half an hour this morning checking out Twitter and Facebook. Loads of postings, music, even drawings and poetry.
A true global cultural experience, all pivoting around the tragic death of a super-talented singer.
“Michael Jackson created music that is in its own genre’” says Linda. “Totally amazing music. He’s a god” says Ramesh. MJ’s passing shows the world NEEDS music!” says SocialScope. And there were many more Tweets on Twitter. Some of the people think his death has already received too much attention, some think it’s a distraction from other more important things: “The downside to all of this is that the media is only going to focus on this for so many months ahead instead of reporting on really important news,” says David on Twitter.
You can go online right now and you can see how this tragic moment is a moment when Michael Jackson is reconnecting with us in our daily lives – especially to those of us who grew up with his music and culture. Here in America, but on a global level this experience has connected all of us. Much the way a global brand can connect people today universally. This tragedy makes us internalize him in our lives once again, in a really deep and broad way. Some of these Tweets depict the feelings and emotional connection people can have with brands.
Brands have become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being described as “cultural accessories and personal philosophies.”
Some people distinguish the psychological aspect of a brand from the experiential aspect. Michael Jackson is re-crystallized in our minds so deeply once again.
One take away of this event is the power of the iconic personality, the charisma and the iconic event that has the power to break through people’s walls of indifference.
With all the social media tools at our fingertips, it is these iconic people, iconic moments, iconic experiences that act as a magnet and attract the millions of people to belong.
Scott Goodson is founder and CEO, StrawberryFrog