thought blurb communications
Brand banter or brand blunder? The fine line in cola wars
Reactive advertising keeps brands in the cultural conversation, but does it build loyalty or just fuel fleeting buzz? As Pepsi and Coke trade jabs, the debate over competitive advertising’s true impact continues.
Rejuvenating the lost art of long copy ads
Long ad copy isn’t dead—it just needs a comeback. Wit and storytelling still sell, says Thought Blurb’s founder and CCO.
Blessings wrapped in curses in the age of AI
AI is here and is willing to learn. Perhaps, we, in advertising and marketing, can learn from it too, says Thought Blurb Communications' senior creative director.
Parle-G expresses acts of kindness, extends 'G maane genius' thought
Watch the films conceptualised by Thought Blurb Communications
Parle Magix lets a child’s imagination run wild
Watch the films conceptualised by thought blurb Communications here
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