Battlegrounds IP from Krafton has unveiled a new offering to Indian players with the Battlegrounds Mobile India launch. The company has also launched a brand campaign to promote its new content offering and battle experience to gamers.
Conceptualised by Saatchi & Saatchi Propagate, the two-TVC campaign to launch Battlegrounds Mobile India comprises a launch film – #IndiaKaGame – while the second film focuses on friendships made during the game. The launch film is a montage highlighting how Indians have made the game their own through their rituals and the typical Indian ways of living, relationships and bonding.
Charles Victor, COO, Saatchi & Saatchi Propagate said, “Who wouldn’t be excited with the opportunity to partner Krafton? Firstly, because we were going to launch India’s most eagerly awaited mobile game. Secondly, it was a chance to build on gaming’s new narrative, that it is as much a social activity as it is a game. People forge friendships, take these bonds to the offline world and some even meet their partners and spouses while gaming. It was the opportunity to be able to write real stories that eventually resulted in this film.”
Added Chetan Kapoor, senior creative director, Saatchi & Saatchi Propagate, “We set ourselves the task to create memorable films that bring alive the diversity, inclusivity, unique traits and idiosyncrasies of the players that truly make Battlegrounds Mobile India a game like no other. While producing films of this scale was a challenge in these times, we believe we’ve managed to create ad films that will be liked as much as the game is loved. Here’s to some chicken dinners coming up!”
The launch campaign will be promoted on digital mediums.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Propagate
Client team: Aneesh Aravind, Srinjoy Das, Soumya Prem
Agency team: Charles Victor, Kartik Smetacek, Snehasis Bose, Chetan Kapoor, Sabah Iqbal, Charu Chopra
Production house: Content Factory by Prodigious
Production house team: Meesam Raza, Shivani Mehra
Director: Siva Romero Iyer