Name: Ankur Rander
Role: CEO, Bombay Design Centre
Personal and professional mantra: Challenge the status quo.
8:00am: Physical and mental fitness. I alternate between playing squash, gym and yoga. Playing gives me energy. It takes me back to my boarding school days.
10:00am: Breakfast and design podcasts/phone calls.
10:30am: Drive myself to work. Check-in call with leadership team.
11:30-5:00pm: Reviewing work and meetings with project teams. I also present work to clients during this time.
5:00-6:00pm: Meeting with industry folks and making new connections.
7:00-8:00pm: I use this time for any team building and operational activities.
8:00-9:00pm: Driving back home. Ideas strike me when I am driving and listening to my music. I call my folks back home since they don't live in Bombay.
10:30pm-1:00am: My mind is in a state of flow and there is absolute clarity about the work I did in the day. I go on to trending Slack channels in search of improving the quality of our work and leave my thoughts for the team to read the next morning.
1:00am: I go over next day's plan before lights out.
Weekends and holidays: Break. Friends. Golf. More squash. Books. Cleaning shoes. Afternoon gym. Easy lunch. Late dinners. Early morning music sets. Dance. Mountains.