Campaign India Team
4 hours ago

24 hours with… Yash Chandiramani

The founder and chief strategist of Admatazz takes Campaign India through an average day in his life.

24 hours with… Yash Chandiramani

Name: Yash Chandiramani

Job: Founder and chief strategist, Admatazz

Professional mantra: Stay curious and work hard.

Personal mantra: Leave me alone (except for my close ones). 

6:00AM—8.00AM: After waking up, I head for my workout, a habit I try to adhere to at least four times a week in the morning.

8:00AM: Breakfast along with some catch up on the news 

8:30AM: I begin with my writing. Copywriting is the reason I got into this business but once I'm in office I barely get to do any, so my morning copywriting hours are sacrosanct. I work on campaigns and review work done by the team. 

11:00AM: This is when I reach office, which is fortunately just a 15-minute drive away. Work starts with a quick drop by at the desks of all department heads and team leads. I like to get a pulse of the days tasks without getting in the way of anyone's work. 

12:30PM: I have lunch and also catch up on some reading. It can be a new case study, an old research paper or any kind of industry reports. 

1:00PM—4PM: This time is dedicated to making client calls. I like to schedule most client calls during this time as there is enough time left in the day to work on some ad hoc stuff if required. 

4PM—5PM: I usually reserve this time for administration and finance work. I try to hide from them, but they manage to find me at this time everyday!

5PM—7PM: This is when I usually have team meetings or one-on-one interactions with my colleagues. I spend time brainstorming, dissecting briefs or helping out with strategy wherever my team needs me. 

7.00PM: I like to leave office by this time and also encourage everyone else to leave by this time. Mumbai traffic is terrible, and it leaves us with very little time at home anyway. 

8:00PM: Dinner is at home with my family. It carries over to a post dinner heated family discussion or an ambitious holiday plan or just discussing interesting things from each other's day. I'm the quiet one usually, catching up on missed emails and setting up my schedule for the next day. 

10:00PM—11PM: I usually put my face into a book by now and read until I fall asleep. Or we sometimes catch up on the latest shows. 

11:00PM: Lights off.

On Saturdays I teach digital marketing and branding as visiting faculty at Jai Hind College in Mumbai. I've been doing this since, 6 years. I also try and get in a session of golf and meet my friends for a drink. 

Sundays I don't move. I usually read, or binge something. On weekend evenings, I catch up on tasks for Monday and usually set rough goals for the week. I also spend time on milestones for Admatazz and try to answer the haunting question every entrepreneur faces—"Where next?”

Campaign India

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