Elephant Design's founder Ashwini Deshpande is on the pre-selection committee of Good 50X70, a global social communication project. The annual contest, now in its fourth year, confronts seven of the critical issues affecting the world. Deshpande explained, "It's a poster project with UNESCO as one of its main patrons and Amnesty, Greenpeace and others in the supported charities. The point of it is to get an idea of how social communication handles different issues in different countries." The contest is open to individual designers, agencies and students from around the world.
Of the 2,357 entries to be assessed by July 2, on topics like discrimination of HIV patients, healthcare rights of migrants and equality of legal rights, Deshpande still had a long way to go on Thursday afternoon, when Campaign India spoke to her. Still, she'd already found something interesting about the experience. "Even with the same issue like whale extinction, someone in a sushi-eating country like Japan, sees it very differently from someone in the US or Europe. People don't think alike or see the same situation in the same way," she said.
Visit good50x70.org to see past years' results.