Bharat Kapadia has joined the Lokmat Group as a director on the board. In his new role, he will be involved with the overall functioning and growth of the group. An entrepreneur turned professional, Kapadia (pictured) co-owned and ran Chitralekha Group till few years back as editor and associate publisher. Prior to this, Kapadia was heading the Jagran Network18 print JV Jagran18 as its CEO and managing editor. The plans for the business daily were later shelved. Prior to that, Kapadia was with Divya Bhaskar as executive director for the group.
"We are happy to have Bharat Kapadia with us as we chart our future course. His experience and creative thinking will further augment the strong management at Lokmat," says Devendra Darda, executive director, Lokmat Group.
Lokmat Group publishes the Marathi newspaper "Lokmat", the Hindi daily Lokmat Samachar and English daily Lokmat Times. The group also launched IBN Lokmat, a 24-hours Marathi news and current affairs channel, in a joint venture with the Network18 Group earlier this year.
Bharat Kapadia joins Lokmat Group as director
Bharat Kapadia has joined the Lokmat Group as a director on the board. In his new role, he will be involved with the overall functioning and growth of the group. An entrepreneur turned professional, Kapadia (pictured) co-owned and ran Chitralekha Group till few years back as editor and associate publisher. Prior to this, Kapadia was heading the Jagran Network18 print JV Jagran18 as its CEO and managing editor. The plans for the business daily were later shelved. Prior to that, Kapadia was with Divya Bhaskar as executive director for the group.
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