P&G India wins the bravery award for Ariel detergent's “Dads #ShareTheLoad” at the 53rd edition of the International ANDY Awards. Apart from this top honour, India also bagged two silvers at the awards.
The campaign raised an important question ‘Is laundry only a mother’s job?’ In this social movement, every father was made the center of change to end gender inequality at home by shining a mirror at their actions that propagate gender inequality. "The movement was led by a poignant film about a dad's self-realization and conversion about roles and responsibilities within the home, and about setting the right example by helping with laundry. Garnering over 50 million views in under 15 days, it became India’s most viewed viral ad," according to the media statement.
The work was created for brand Ariel by BBDO Mumbai. The campaign also won a silver in the integrated media category. The other silver for India went to McCann Worldgroup for 'The dancing letters' campaign for the Maharashtra Dyslexia Association.