After a year's gap, the organiser of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2021 will be celebrating work from the industry through its virtual red carpet awards nights between 21-25 June.
Campaign India will be showcasing all of India's entries to the festival through our 'Cannes Contenders' series.
They say Cannes jurors don’t get enough time to scrutinise and deliberate on a piece of work they haven’t really come across before. This series is a way of acquainting them with the good work from India and South Asia before their judging stint. And of course, to acquaint the rest of the industry with which work from this region is competing at Cannes Lions this year.
We are presenting here entries from Indian/South Asian agencies that their creators believe should win big at the 2021 International Festival of Creativity.
Famous Innovations has five such entries.
Burger King
The Sunsets-I-Wish-Saw Calendar
Communiti Brewery
The Micronewsary
The Big Balloon Buyout
The Photographic Society of India
The Photograph that Wasn't
A photographer’s job is to capture and report. No matter the subject or the situation. One of the first rules of photography is – don’t get emotional about your subject. But, photographers are human first. And inevitably there are times when the human wins over the photographer. When emotion defeats profession. So when the Photographic Society of India sought to promote its 80th Members’ Photography Exhibition, we chose these stories of vulnerabilities. The stories narrated the moments when photographers failed to deliver on their job, because their emotional, moral or simply human side took over. Through these stories, we brought alive how challenging the job of a photographer is, how much pain goes behind each picture and therefore successfully created intrigue, inquiries and walk-ins for the exhibition.
The Sui blockchain-based content platform uses AI to offer users an engaging content consumption experience while helping creators own and monetise their content.
AI can help design agencies simultaneously test multiple creative directions, saving time and boosting efficiency, says the chief technology officer at Social Donut.