Campaign India Team
May 16, 2023

Cannes Contenders 2023: FCB Group India

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Cannes Contenders 2023: FCB Group India
We start the build-up to the 2023 edition, with our annual Cannes Contenders series.
Campaign India aims to lead the charge from this region by showcasing all of India's entries to the festival through our 'Cannes Contenders' series. 
This is based on the premise that Cannes jurors don’t get enough time to scrutinise and deliberate a piece of work they haven’t really come across before. This series is a way of acquainting them with the good work from India and South Asia before their judging stint.
FCB India Group has five such entries.
HDFC Bank - Vigil Aunty (FCB Kinnect)

Indians are frugal with their money. Ironically, a survey indicated that 42% of Indians experienced
financial fraud. Reason? There's no way to keep up with the growing ways to con people. PSA's get
outdated soon, and by the time we learn to prevent one fraud, fraudsters introduce two new frauds.
What people needed was a saviour who could stop them every time they acted dumb around their
own money. But they won't listen if you choose conventional ways to educate them. So instead, we,
India's largest private sector bank, created a character who entertained them as she spoke on how
to avert frauds.
The villain to every fraudster's story, the protector against all frauds and the torchbearer of 'Always
Stay Vigil', Vigil Aunty is the first anti-fraud influencer ever. Using all social platforms, the latest
trends and popular influencer and celebrity collaborations, she took on every opportunity to
accomplish her only mission of freedom from frauds.

Smart Bazaar - Second Question (FCB Kinnect)

Pujo, a centuries' old Indian festival, is celebrated by 104+ million people in India alone. The idols venerated in the celebrations are considered incomplete if made without the soil freely given by sex workers. While they're needed to make the idol sacred (with the soil given), they’re considered to be impure to attend the celebrations of the same idol. We highlighted this injustice. Every year sex workers are asked only one question - "May I have some soil?"
This year the campaign provoked people to invite them by asking the second question - "Will you join us?
Google Cloud - Hum Banayenge (FCB Kinnect)
In 2022, India celebrated its 75th year of Independence. It marked the beginning of a national movement of self-reliant nation-building. Self-reliance a spirit that Google Cloud shares with its customers, i.e. Indian companies. And that's how we saw an opportunity for brand-building within a sentiment of nation-building.
Through a series of films, we showed and continue to show the stories of the struggle and ingenuity of Indian entrepreneurs and how our brand is a proud partner in creating innovative and effective solutions. The community of founders and developers embraced this human side of a B2B brand with pride and warmth.
Today, Google Cloud's perception as a leader has grown by 8%. Bringing us almost on par with the category leaders.
Hair and Her - Untangling The Politics of Hair (FCB India)

Since time immemorial, a woman’s hair has been intertwined with religion, culture, sexuality, and
patriarchy, binding her to society’s rules. The protests in Iran highlighted this injusIce bringing
support from countries across the world, except India, that chose to remain silent.
This campaign aims to raise a voice of support to the women of Iran by bringing their plight close to
home and heart, awakening Indian women to the truth that Iran's issue is not Iran's alone, but every
woman’s issue.
Navneet - Tr. for Teacher (FCB Interface)
The Indian school educaIon system is one of the largest in the world, with over 26 crore students
and 95 lakh teachers. However, these school teachers are severely undervalued, many working
without contracts, with extremely low salaries and no health or maternity leave benefits.
Navneet Education is India's largest text-book publisher. For the last 60 years, Navneet has
been partnering with teachers to create content that helps students learn and perform better. But
this year, on Teacher's Day 2022, Navneet wanted to celebrate teachers and recognise their role in
shaping the country.
There are several highly valued professions in India, many of which are considered presIgious and
offer significant financial rewards. These are professions like Doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. And onething all these professions have in common is a Itle prefixed to the name of the professional.
These titles automaIcally call out the value and stature of the person who uses it.
Ironically, the profession that makes all these professions possible, teachers, didn't have a title. So, to bring value and recogniIon to teaching, Navneet decided to create an official title for teachers
- Tr. for Teacher
The campaign was launched on Teacher's Day, 5th September 2022, with a social experiment film.
It was aired on several pla\orms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
The film invited the country to reflect on the value of teachers and asked people to sign a petition to create an official title of Tr. for Teacher.
The same conversaIon was driven forward on social media with the help of posts, stories and videos, asking the public to come together and support the iniIaIve. The campaign was even taken to schools and encouraged teachers to start using the Itle in their classrooms too.
Through the communicaIon, Navneet wanted to bring about a change in the way teachers were
looked at, but more importantly, start a conversaIon about the value of teachers in a country that
didn't give them much value.
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Campaign India

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