Coca Cola India has rolled out a new campaign for its packaged drinking water brand, Kinley. The new campaign, called 'Vishwas Karo', has been conceptualised by O&M. It aims to build on the brand's core value of trust and takes forward its original 'Boond boond mein vishwas' positioning.
Speaking about the latest campaign, Avinash Pant, director - Still Beverages, Coca-Cola India said, “Kinley has over the years established a strong consumer connect by communicating the core benefit of trust through the ‘Boond Boond Mein Vishwas’ campaign. The latest communication ‘Vishwas Karo’ takes forward the same conversation of trust to a higher platform and touches life at large. It brings forward Kinley’s belief that a little bit of trust can restore faith between people, within oneself and in the basic goodness of life at large. We are looking forward to greater heights in the Kinley Journey."
Speaking to Campaign India about the latest communication, Ajay Gahlaut, group creative director, O&M said, "The brief that we were given was to place Kinley far above any other water brand in the consumer's eyes by leveraging the trust it has built up over a decade."
Elaborating on the idea behind the campaign, Gahlaut says, "There comes a tipping point in a brand's life cycle that allows it to bear a larger mantle. Not every brand reaches that point as few maintain the kind of consistency in vision and expression that makes them synonymous with the message they put out. Kinley is one such brand and we felt that it today can be synonymous with trust."
He further adds, "The new communication from Kinley thus urges people to rediscover trust in each other. The kind of trust that's only possible when we get past our own insecurities. Because ultimately trust must start within. The objective is to propogate trust that is one of the foundations of our society and assume a larger role in social consciousness."
Brand Kinley has stood for trust in every drop (Boon Boond Mein Vishwas). The roots of anything new had to be Vishwas and as such we set out to build on the strength of the brand rather than reinvent it. So any reminder of the brand's heritage is intentional, he says.
Watch the TVC below:
Kinley 'Vishwas Karo' from Campaign India on Vimeo.
The latest communication ‘Vishwas Karo’ is a montage of slice of life situations where one is forced to choose between trust and mistrust, and where the decision to “trust a little” helps restores self-belief and faith between people. At a hunger strike demonstration, a man offers a woman a bottle of Kinley and encourages her to accept. Next, a boy who is about to sit alone and friendless in a canteen is suddenly joined by a group of boys that befriend him. At the end, the film showcases an old man who manages to finish the marathon purely because chooses to believe that he can finish the marathon. The TVC hence urges viewers to trust and believe.
Gahlaut says, that the campaign taps the inherent need in us to trust. "As people we are warm and welcoming, mistrust is unnatural to us. So we urge people to let go of suspicion and disbelief and go back to being as we were before we got cynical and mistrusting."
When asked about how this campaign will help differentiate Kinley from its competitors, Gahlaut says, "While other water brands remain about the physical purity of water, Kinley already occupies a position of trust in the consumer's head. With this communication we're looking to secure a place in people's hearts by being a socially aware brand which is responding to something that society desperately seeks."
The media mix for the campaign includes TV and outdoor. The creative team includes Gahlaut, Mayur Hola and Preeti Koul. The film has been directed by Vinil Mathew of Footcandles Films.