1. False claim. I don't think gulping Sting would make you carry a fully-grown adult on your back and climb 10 flights of stairs. If the claim is substantiated, I will stuff my backpack with Sting and go on my dream expedition.
2. Offensive portrayal of a young woman; it is ridiculous to show a young woman jump on a man’s back and allow him to carry her. And also, get so mightily impressed with his strength to share her number!
Women are smarter than that. It would have been so much better to see the young woman drinking Sting and getting energised enough to give the man a tough chase. By the way, is Sting a male, macho drink?
Why are men depicted as so helpless and vulnerable when it comes to taking care of their own health? I see this as a common refrain in most ads. It is the responsibility of a caring and loving wife to help him make healthy choices whether it’s an oil, health drink or a snack. It’s time we move beyond these gender roles and stereotypes.
The message is oft-repeated and the ad does not offer anything new in terms of the presentation. However, the background score is appealing. The efforts of Whisper to make menstrual hygiene education and products accessible to girls is laudable.
A very interesting and innovative concept to promote equal engagement of men and women in cooking. It would be interesting to see what tasks are given to men and what tasks to women.
It is interesting to note the focus of the ad being on insurance advisers who are often considered a nuisance because of their persistence. The ad conveys the procrastination, lethargy and lack of initiative when it comes to choosing an insurance plan and the role of insurance advisors in shaking us out of that.
It is interesting to see the ad featuring a daughter and a son. Would it have made a big difference to the ad if they showed two daughters? Definitely not. But showing two girls would definitely have normalised a two daughter family as a complete family.
Both the ads are humorous and highlight relatable situations. It is interesting to note that both ads feature an overweight man but do not stereotype him as a dumb person as is usually done in many ads. Nice to see diversity in terms of body types as well, in ads.
Nearly 59% of CMOs expect that in the next five years, their revenues will come from products, services, or businesses that don’t yet exist, finds Dentsu's 2024 CMO Navigator survey.