The ad resonates with the viewers as it touches upon all those things that we are missing doing in these Covid times. How nice it is to see a woman behind the wheel in a luxuary car on a ride with her friends. I wish those shots stayed on the screen for a few seconds longer. It would have left a lasting image in the minds of viewers.
It’s time that other companies also changed the narrative and showed more women driving, so that next time a driver makes a mistake, people behind the vehicle don’t say derisively "I think it is a female driving.”
GS Score: 4/5
Circa 120/80
Nice to see a Bollywood actor engaging in house cleaning though only fleetingly.
GS Score: 3.25/5
Combiflam Plus
Gender neutral.
GS Score: 3/5
Max Life
The ad focuses on role models and trusting relationships. By focusing on a father - son relationship, the ad draws on the stereotypical patriarchal notion of a man as the protector.
GS Score: 2.5/5
Good to see a woman entrepreneur, a woman with a dream. But so very disappointing to see her with other women sewing on the machines. While tailoring is the most popular and promoted income generation activity for women in India, is it so difficult to show women dreaming something different something path breaking, something bigger? And, in the process creating and reflecting the new aspirations of women?
GS Score: 2.5/5
Unlike the typical detergent ads, where women are shown to be the ones responsible for household chores, the ad shows a different narrative with a male celebrity making special Birthday dinner for his wife. However, she complains about his artistically stained shirt, subtly suggesting that men are messy cooks, yet another gender stereotypical perception.
GS Score: 3.5/5
Titan Raga
The ad builds up suspense and surprises us by revealing that dressing up and adorning oneself with jewellery are not just for women and that it could be important for the other genders also. Inclusiveness and respect for diversity are important values for society and organisations as well. The ad very subtly captures the nuances of gender fluidity and gives out a strong message of embracing ourself for who we are. I hope the brand walks the talk and ensures that the personnel at their retail outlets treat their customers who are not Cisgender persons with equal respect and dignity.
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