Cyrus Mistry, former chairperson of Tata Motors and the Tata Group died in a road accident near Palghar while travelling from Udvada to Mumbai on Sunday afternoon. Mistry along with friends were visiting the Zoroastrian Fire Temple in Udvada on the occasion of ‘Behram roj’ a holy day for the Zoroastrians.
A police spokesperson said that the accident happened around 3:15 pm when the Mercedes car carrying Mistry crashed against the divider while travelling over the Surya bridge. There were a total four occupants in the car.
The other person killed in the accident has been identified as Jahangir Pandole. Mistry and Pandole were declared dead before admission to the hospital.
Mistry who was appointed chairman of Tata Sons in 2013 was ousted in 2016 in a boardroom tussle and eventually replaced by N Chandrasekharan who was appointed chairman in January 2017. In a tweet, Tata Sons chairman, N Chandrasekharan said: I am deeply saddened by the sudden and untimely demise of Cyrus Mistry. He had a passion for life and it is really tragic that he passed away at such a young age.
Mistry was a graduate of Civil Engineering from the Imperial College, the UK. He had an MSc in Management from the London Business School.
Mistry is survived by wife Rohiq and two sons, Feroze and Zahan.
(This article first appeared on