Grey Chennai has won the creative duties of Vummidi Bangaru Jewelers after a multi-agency pitch. Radical Advertising was the incumbent agency on this account.
Commenting on the win, Vijay Jacob, vice president and head of South, Grey, said, “We are thrilled to be partnering this prestigious, heritage brand VBJ and are looking forward to providing a fresh perspective to this category. This win strengthens our presence in Chennai, an important market for Grey.”
Vijay Ambalavanan, branch head, Grey Chennai, added, “During the pitch we demonstrated our passion for good work which also reflected our 'famously effective' motto and gave us an edge over the other agencies.”
Vummidi Jitendra, managing partner, VBJ, said, “We were looking for a communication partner who will create exceptional campaigns - just like our jewellery. Grey’s work demonstrated exactly that. We are looking forward to some fresh and exciting ideas which will take VBJ to new heights.”
Grey Chennai wins VBJ account
Grey Chennai has won the creative duties of Vummidi Bangaru Jewelers after a multi-agency pitch. Radical Advertising was the incumbent agency on this account.Commenting on the win, Vijay Jacob, vice president and head of South, Grey, said, “We are thrilled to be partnering this prestigious, heritage brand VBJ and are looking forward to providing a fresh perspective to this category. This win strengthens our presence in Chennai, an important market for Grey.”
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