Nilay Kumar (pictured) has joined Hungama Mobile as assistant vice president, managed services business. Kumar joins from Comviva (erstwhile Bharti Telesoft), where he was deputy general manage, hubs and managed services. At Hungama Mobile, he will look after the managed services portfolio. Kumar will report to Albert Almeida, COO, Hungama Mobile.
Commenting on the appointment, Neeraj Roy, CEO and MD, Hungama Digital Media said, “Over the past few years, the Indian telecom industry has been witnessing exponential growth. The time is right to consolidate offerings and create new benchmarks. With Nilay joining us, we are certain, that his deep understanding of the value added services space coupled with marketing insights will create interesting propositions for our telecom partners.”
Added Kumar, “Now is the time to transcend technology and geography barriers and look at bringing in true convergence, with the sole objective of creating value for the end customer. Given Hungama’s leadership in the space, together, we hope to create a consolidated platform for telecom providers that will become an added advantage for Hungama in the managed services ecosystem. I’m excited to be a part of the young and successful team at Hungama Mobile.”
Kumar has around 11 years of experience in the telecom industry. Apart from Comviva, he has also worked with players such as Airtel Mobility, Essar Cellphone and Tata.