If you're working in advertising and come across this man, run. Run for your fucking life. Saying this out of personal experience.#TimesUphttps://t.co/KHQ6yhz2Io
— (@Kalamwali_Bai) October 5, 2018
Frankly, I am not even surprised.
— (@Kalamwali_Bai) October 5, 2018
.@publicisindia @PublicisGroupe, it would be really disappointing if y'all don't do anything about this and he gets away yet again. pic.twitter.com/buSyLYi4Lv
We are looking into this matter immediately. The Publicis Groupe has a zero-tolerance policy towards any type of workplace misconduct and if any such incidents are brought to our notice, we will take necessary action as per company policy.
— Publicis India (@PublicisIndia) October 5, 2018
Not at all appalled just immensely disappointed that a group like @DDB_Worldwide @DDBMudra_Group could let this toxic culture foster. As an ex-classmate of Brijesh Jacob @SIMC_Pune I have known him to make sexist comments..1/2 https://t.co/GOy8GsKqds
— Ananya Mukherjee (@Ananyaaa_) October 7, 2018
Raj Kurup, Founder, Creativeland Asia.
— Sukhnidh (@skhndh) October 7, 2018
Do me a favor. Read this. Read it. Do it. This is the third woman to speak out against him. All three have expressed fear at his blatant misuse of power. pic.twitter.com/gXUAL8XOIk
Omkar Sane, my former boss at Webchutney once asked me if my legs opened as wide as my mind did. In broad daylight. In front of people. He had no shame nor fear.
— UtsaviJ (@Utsavi) October 7, 2018
— Sandhya Menon (@TheRestlessQuil) October 5, 2018
Dinesh Swamy, well known senior creative director. @dinesh_swamy pic.twitter.com/Yqr0l9iFAi
— Sukhnidh (@skhndh) October 8, 2018
Funny that people aren’t getting why this is sexual harassment. Men! Trying getting physically close to a woman and then making sexual innuendos about having fun while trying to feel her up is fucking harassment. There I spelt it out.
— Elisha Gada (@e_lisha) October 5, 2018