Wake up at 12 noon or so. Make myself some tea. Browse through the newspaper.
Chit chat with mom about lunch, her Art of Living classes, bitch about the maid who’s been pestering her for a loan since the last three months and other such important things. Talk to dad about his work, blood sugar levels and stuff.
While away time on the two-seater swing in the balcony staring at the neighboring buildings in which some housewives are busy drying all kinds of clothes on the chocolate brown window grills. Gawk disappointingly at the desolated swimming pool. Dig the kitchen for all things edible (except edible oil). Down some mouth-watering curd rice while immersed in the random movie playing on TV. Warm the swing once again. Laze away. Think about nothing in particular.
Read a book on Jim Corbett. Make plans with college pals for the highly acclaimed Marathi movie, Harishchandrachi Factory. Have the long overdue shower. Rush to the movie hall. Post the movie, have a drink or two. Discuss the film. Return to my building around midnight. Hang out with a couple of building friends talking about cars, bikes, girls, movies, football, etc jumping from one topic to another till the time one of us receives that threatening phone call from an agitated parent who feels that the son has fallen into bad company and that’s the reason why he’s going nowhere in life.
Return home. Watch a Wong Kar Wai film.
Go to sleep after making sure the doorbell’s switched off.
Gururaj Rao is creative supervisor at DDB Mudra