Samsung Mobile has unveiled a television commercial to promote the loud, clear music output of its Samsung Beat 270 phone. Taking its brand message, 'Next is what' forward, the campaign showcases the new launch as India's first 'Mobile Karoke' phone with preloaded karoke content. "The phone is aimed at music lovers who love to sing along with their music," says Alok Agrawal, COO, Cheil Worldwide. "It will be a boon for all aspiring contestants of numerous music talent shows on TV and bathroom singers alike.Its clear sound quality compels them to sing along."
Samsung has managed a sort of a coup for its latest TVC. It has, for the first time in India, managed to get Aamir Khan to sing for a TV commercial. Across four edits Khan has sung a medley of 12 songs capturing a myriad of moods. In the end he signs off with a cheeky 'Bolti bandh. Gaana Shuru." The campaign has been directed by Ravi Udyawar of RU Films.
Project: Karoke
Client: Samsung Mobile
Creative Agency: Cheil Worldwide
Creative Director: Prathap Suthan, Vedobroto Roy
Client Servicing: Srijeet Das, Garima Shinde
Director: Ravi Udyawar
Production House: RU Films
Exposure: TV, Outdoors, Roadshows