Pix, the Hollywood movie channel from Multi Screen Media, has appointed Saurabh Yagnik as its business head. Yagnik joins the network after moving from Star India, where he was business head for English channels. In a career spanning close to 17 years, he has also had stints with Hindustan Unilever Limited and The ITC Group.
On his move to MSM, Yagnik said, “I am very excited to be a part of MSM and Pix in the current juncture of its journey. Pix is a youthful brand with unparalleled fan following. Over the years, it has created a definitive mark for itself and has become a leading English movie channel. I am looking forward to working with the team here and take the channel to being no. 1."
N P Singh, chief operating officer, Multi Screen Media said, "We are thrilled to have Saurabh joining us and we welcome him to the MSM family. The industry is at an important cusp and the English movie genre is seeing a lot of transformation. We have great confidence in Saurabh's abilities and are privileged to have recruited someone of his caliber into the business."