Indian agencies dominated the shortlists in the Integrated and Creative Effectiveness categories. With five and two shortlists respectively, Indian agencies accounted for nearly 50 per cent of the shortlists in these categories.
In Integrated, BBDO India bagged two shortlists, one for Mirinda's 'release the pressure' campaign and the other for Visa India's #KindnessIsCashless.
Taproot Dentsu (Adidas Odds), Fleishman Hillard (Free a girl movement) and Mindshare (Nike's Da da ding) bagged one shortlist each.
In Creative Effectiveness, BBDO India bagged a shortlist for P&G's #Dad'sShareTheLoad campaign, while Leo Burnett India got a shortlist for Bajaj Auto's 'The nation's bike'.
In the music category Indian agencies did not get any nomination.
The awards will be presented this evening (29 September) in Singapore.