I believe Bhaag Milka Bhaag is 'running' in theaters across the country.
— G (@gauravjagwani) July 12, 2013
It's raining heavily in central Delhi. Office-goers revising return routes under Duckworth-Lewis method.
— Stereotypewriter (@babumoshoy) July 9, 2013
We won last night?? Last over eh? Sri Lanka's worst loss since Jacqueline Fernandez.
— मटन बियानी (@TheBiyani) July 12, 2013
Sharminda Eranga.. Pun intended.
— Anirudh Shetty (@gyaanbaazshetty) July 12, 2013
I tend to chill-out till a deadline approaches, and then put full despo work in the last moment. I'll start calling it the Dhoni Technique.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) July 12, 2013
just when you thought cricket couldn't possibly stagger you anymore #agar #theashes
— Gaurav Kalra (@gauravCNNIBN) July 11, 2013
At the same stage in both careers Ashton Agar has performed vastly better than Tendulkar...
— Earl of Vadukut (@sidin) July 11, 2013
Not in Mumbai rains. "@SachinKalbag: If Ashton Agar scores that 100, everybody should stop wherever they are & give him a standing ovation."
— Sanjeev Agrawal (@agrawalsanjeev) July 11, 2013
England has a problem with tail-enders whose names begin with Agar. Ajit Agarkar got a 100 at Lords; now Ashton Agar on the verge of 50.
— Salil Tripathi (@saliltripathi) July 11, 2013