Xiaomi India has launched a two-campaign featuring Ranveer Singh playing characters with a strong comical tone while using the Redmi Note 7 Pro. The two campaign videos will be shown across TV channels, digital, OTT platforms, and cinema. It will also be featured on OOH, print, and radio.
The campaign "Note Kiya Jaye" ('please take note' in Hindi) plays out humorous scenarios while showcasing the 48MP camera feature and its immense attention to detail. The campaign story highlights the brand’s customer centric approach that provides true to life images with unparalleled levels of detail with the phone's camera.
The campaign uses cheeky humour in both videos to highlight Redmi Note 7 Pro and its 48MP camera feature. The campaign is focussed on the camera’s ability to zoom into details even at a distance, which implies how things may appear to be a certain way from far, and upon closer look, it turns out to be a different situation, thereby building a familiar insight for consumers.
In the classroom scene, the father while casually inspecting the students in an otherwise regular classroom environment, uses the double tap double zoom feature on Redmi Note 7 Pro’s 48MP camera to zoom into the student’s desk. The Father discovers a comic book with the student. This instance highlights the tiny yet crucial details which the camera flawlessly captures including crisp visuals of the superheroes and their specific conversation texts which can be clearly viewed.
The second film depicts a hostel scene highly relatable to the young audience, wherein a young college student seems to be falling in love with a woman he spots from a distance, while taunting his friends. In the meantime, Ranveer who plays a fellow room mate and college student uses his Redmi Note 7 Pro’s 48MP camera capability to get a zoom in and gain a more accurate image of the woman, only to have the amusing discovery that they wrongly mistook a man for a woman.
Anuj Sharma, CMO, Xiaomi India, said, “Xiaomi’s Redmi Note series have a notable legacy of their own and play a significant role in driving the brand’s leading performance in India. Therefore, there couldn’t have been a better way to present our all-new Redmi Note 7 Pro by combining our brand marketing efforts with one of the major superstars of this generation, Ranveer Singh.”
Karan Shroff, head, brand marketing, Xiaomi India added, “We wanted to offer our audience stories that portrayed Redmi Note 7 Pro’s capabilities, and would also truly relate to their day-to-day lives through funny, positive instances. The campaign offers highly relatable stories that blend the key strengths of the product, which is the 48MP powerful camera, along with a strong element of satire, bringing them the best of both worlds.”