Prabhat Dairy has launched a set of three films to launch its Volup brand of ice-creams.
In the first of the 30-second films, two lifeguards are in a beach when the first one shouts, "see, there is a shark". When the second one peers into his binoculars all he sees is a woman strolling on the beach with her son.
The first lifeguard proceeds to say "yummy" followed by "creamy". That's when the second lifeguard realises that he's been cheated of his ice-cream.
Muthar Basha, head, consumer division, Prabhat said, "Ice cream is a natural and logical progression for us. Since we are extremely confident of Volup’s quality attributes, our challenge was to create a campaign that has both indulgence and irreverence built into it. The films are set in humorous situations to make the proposition come alive with just the right touch of naughtiness." Initially, the ice-creams are being launched in select cities of Maharashtra and the plan is to scale up by building awareness and trials over the next 12 months.
In the third ad from the series, a husband is cheating on his wife. Except, in this case, the ice-cream is the cause of distraction.