Cadbury India has brought back the two characters it created for its chocolate brand 5 Star, Ramesh and Suresh, in a sequel. The duo are joined by their father in the film created by Ogilvy & Mather to communicate that the 5 Star is now softer.
The first film of the Ramesh-Suresh series was launched in 2011. View the ad here:
The new film opens with the brothers shown walking into the house, holding their father's trousers they went to get altered. The father acknowledges their presence in the midst of his prayers. He also notices that the trousers have been shortened so much that they have become a pair of shorts. He looks at them and then pictures himself in the 'trousers'. He is enraged and punches them in the face. Thanks to which, Ramesh and Suresh end up in hospital, heavily bandaged. When a nurse instructs them to be on a liquid diet, the duo wonder how will they eat 5 Star now. A voice over asks them not to worry, informing them that the 5 Star is now softer.
Abhijit Avasthi, national creative director, Ogilvy India, said, "The last Ramesh-Suresh film did amazingly well for us. It got the people talking and cracking their own jokes on the subject. The ad became so popular that it wouldn't be wrong if I say that our audience must have been waiting for a sequel. And just then an interesting opportunity came along in the form of a new brief which required us to talk about the softness of the new 5 Star. Following the brief, we cracked another entertaining campaign with the duo."
Client: Cadbury India (Mondelez)
Creative agency: Ogilvy & Mather
NCD: Abhijit Avasthi
Media agency: Madison Media
Aug 29, 2013
5 Star makes ‘softer’ claim with Ramesh-Suresh’s homecoming
Watch the ad film created by Ogilvy and Mather here
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