Vikram Gaikwad, partner and executive creative director, Creativeland Asia, has exited the agency. He has been with Creativeland Asia since its inception in 2007.
On his move, Gaikwad, said, “I am very proud of what we have achieved at Creativeland in a very short time. With the coming of the new year, I have decided to move on and make time for my other areas of interests. My heart and good wishes will always be with Creativeland and I hope they get every success they deserve.”
Sajan RaJ Kurup, founder and creative chairman, Creativeland Asia, said, “Vikram has been a great friend and an incredible support in my journey. Creativeland is thankful to him for all the support and service he has extended. And I sincerely wish him the best for the new path he has charted out for himself.”
Gaikwad has worked with Enterprise Nexus, Leo Burnett and Grey in past assignments.