Atishi Pradhan has joined Mogae Media as chief strategist. Prior to joining Mogae Media, she was senior vice president and executive planning director at Contract Advertising. Pradhan's move to Mogae follows Pavan Chandra and Tushar Dhingra, who recently joined the agency started by Sandeep Goyal.
Commenting on Pradhan's appointment, Tanya Goyal, executive director, Mogae Group, said, “These are exciting times for us at Mogae as we build a bright and resourcefulteam with some of the finest talent in the business. Atishi is a well known name in strategy circles. She has worked on brands, both big and small. Sandeep andshe worked together on Horlicks many moons ago and to date Sandeep admires Atishi’s insights and consumer understanding. Atishi will bring conventional marketing wisdom to a business that has few precedents”.
Pradhan joined the world of advertising in 1988 – working first at JWT and then at Contract Advertising.
Commenting on why she has joined Mogae, Pradhan said, “Mobile devices are a natural fit for personalisation and hence direct hits : phones are emotionally more 'personal'than PCs. They are something you carry with you, something that connects youto your social circle, and unlike PCs, something that you rarely if ever share. The newness of the medium allows for a high degree of innovation. And finally the adventure of working in a start-up.”