Dainik Bhaskar has launched the 12th edition of its Hindi financial daily, Business Bhaskar in New Delhi. The first edition of Business Bhaskar was launched in Bhopal on June 27, 2008. With the launch in New Delhi, it now has 12 editions across six states including Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Punjab and Haryana.
"Inspite of competition from English language dailies, which have launched translated version of their paper there is a large void in the Hindi financial daily market in Delhi. Business Bhaskar will successfully fill this void," said Rajiv Jaitly (pictured), president ad sales and marketing, DB Corp.
"Business Bhaskar is a paper specifically designed keeping in mind that there is certain information and knowledge that readers need to know. This is compared to huge plethora of information which is nice to know but is of no use to the readers. Most business newspapers are positioned as B2B publications and they preach from a higher pedestal. We are talking to our readers in their own language and about things which affect their daily business life," said K. Yatish Rajawat, editor, Business Bhaskar.