Entries to the tenth edition of the Campaign India Digital Crest Awards (CIDCA) are now open.Through these awards, Campaign India honours excellence in digital advertising and marketing.
This year, we have added one more category for the awards.
Best content on an OTT platform
With more and more series coming up on OTT platforms, this category will award the platform which has the best original content.
The early entry deadline is 22 April with the final entry deadline coming on 3 May. Campaigns launched between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019 are eligible to enter the awards. The awards are scheduled to be held on 12 June in Mumbai.
The award seeks to identify and reward the most engaging, creative and effective campaigns across digital media.
For more information visit www.campaignindiacrest.com or write to cidca@haymarket.co.in or avinash@haymarket.co.in.