With the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2018 just about a month away, Campaign India returns with its 'Cannes Contender' series.
The premise is:
How much time really does a Cannes juror get to understand a case or piece of work s/he hasn't come across before?
Too little. It's up to us to help them get acquainted with the good work prior. We present here entries from Indian/South Asian agencies that their creators believe will be in contention for Lions at the 2018 International Festival of Creativity.
Dentsu Webchutney has three such entries.
Project Re-Search: Beyond The Blue Whale Challenge
In late-2017, traditional media contributed to sensationalising the ‘Blue Whale Challenge,’ an online game supposedly resulting in suicides amongst Indian teens. However, India is already the suicide capital of the world, and is facing a mental health crisis- courtesy lack of education among the masses. The media, the judiciary, and government were focused on banning the game (a measure repeatedly found to be impractical on the internet), instead of creating the right mental health discourse around it. Google Search was the ONLY platform through which 1.7ml concerned adults were trying to learn more about the game, but were let down with sensational news rising to the top of their search results too. By using this relevant medium- Google Search, and an invested audience (courtesy the Blue Whale Challenge), we began Project Re-search: the first scalable self-learning initiative for Indian adults around mental health… initiated after the Blue Whale Challenge surfaced.
The Progressive Report Card
India doesn’t even feature in the WEF’s list of countries whose children are ready for the jobs of the future. This is because across India’s 1.2ml+ schools, dated thinking has led parents to assume only grades in subjects like Maths, Sciences and Language matter. Excellence in Arts, Sports or any other subject receives no attention and the child’s interest in it, slowly fades. We wanted to devise a frugal and scalable solution to remind parents across India’s 1.2+ml schools, that every subject matters.
Schools showcase exam grades to parents through ‘Progress Report Cards’- during Parent-Teacher meetings. By changing the way grades were read, we aim to help change how they’re perceived. The Progressive Report Card is a triumphant redesign of this document (digital + physical), for parents to broaden their view on what constitutes a relevant curriculum. By reorienting grades within a circle, spreading core subjects apart and redistributing attention visually.
Flipkart positions itself as a partner to the progressive Indian. The brief was to bring it alive by championing communities who have progressed in their own ways.
India’s patriarchy begins at home. We felt a responsibility to champion the changing dynamics in parenting. Since patriarchy feared both: the woman who did “man things” (working); and the man who might do “woman things” (raise a child), a necessary landmark in India’s feminist movement would be expanding our own definition of what it means to be a man.
#PenguinDad was an identity created for the current generation of working fathers, inspired by the most dedicated father in the animal kingdom- the Male Emperor Penguin. It paved way to tell their stories, showcase their lives, and inspire more. Beginning India’s first large-scale discourse around men and parenting… and proving to patriarchy that feminism had spread over to fathers too.