India added two shortlists to the 13 announced early on 20 June, in the Creative Effectiveness category at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2016.
Ariel 'Share The Load', 'Sustained' for The Akanksha Foundation make the cut
India added two shortlists to the 13 announced early on 20 June, in the Creative Effectiveness category at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2016.
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Teaming up for sustainability with speed, for every Mamaearth product ordered on Zepto, the brand will plant a tree on behalf of the consumer.
It positions itself as a tool to streamline, optimise, and elevate brand-creator partnerships on an international scale.
Marketing financial services in India’s small towns isn’t about quick wins. Rather, it’s about cultivating long-term relationships, says Godrej Capital’s chief marketing officer.
SOUNDING BOARD: Amid digital dominance, print advertising has been making a steady comeback. Campaign speaks to industry experts to examine the reasons behind this shift and its future.