CEAT India has redesigned its logo and has launched a new campaign in a bid to revamp its brand image. The transition comes at a time when CEAT has completed 50 years in the Indian market. The new look is designed to reflect today's CEAT with a vision to meet the demands of tomorrow’s next gen market.
Developed by Ray and Kesavan, the new look logo is the result of extensive research with CEAT employees, customers and partners. The ad campaign, launched recently, is designed by O&M on the basis of the brief, "Convey the visual identity change and set the tone and manner for future communication". The creative team includes Anup Chitnis, Vivek Kakkad and Nitin Pradhan. The film is directed by Vinil Mathew of Foot Candles Film.
Arnab Banerjee, vice president – marketing, CEAT India said, “The logo re-engineering is a connotation of how CEAT has transformed its business into an entity, which connects closely with customers in a highly competitive marketplace.”
CEAT, the flagship company of RPG Enterprises, is a leading tyre manufacturer.