The holy month of Ramadan came to an end over the weekend and brands celebrated the occasion with campaigns. Here are a few that attracted Campaign India's interest.
Dineout’s Gourmet Passport has brought together leaders from across the Indian hospitality industry ito share a collective call for compassion, love and togetherness on the occasion of Eid.
Emperor Akbar cardamom
The film looks to spread the social message of showing care and concern for those the police.
The film shows how the way Eid is being celebrated may be different this year, but the joy would remain the same.
The film urges people shows a father explaining to his son that no dua (wish) is small and this is a difficult time for everyone around us. The father wants to imprint his values of compassion, gratitude, empathy, and charity in his son.
Revital H
Revital's campaign aimed to help orphan kids get a plate of Iftar as it reaches out to people with an appeal to donate a plate for orphans. Revital would make an equal number of plates donation. Sun Pharma Consumer Healthcare partnered with the Love Care Foundation for this initiative.
Tata Motors
In the film, a boy is inspired by his father, who is a truck driver. The father has chosen to stay away from home during Ramadan to help deliver essentials commodities. The son decides to fetch essentials on his bicycle for the elders in his neighbourhood because they can’t step out.