Kansai Nerolac has launched a new TVC in a campaign for their brand of premium exterior paints – Nerolac Excel Total.
In a category where paints use different ways and means to talk about their water repellency, dust resistance, anti - fade features, Nerolac Excel Total has decided to dramatise things a bit. The company says its anti-peel property ensures that the brand of paint bonds strongly with the walls and therefore doesn't peel off irrespective of the weather conditions.
The film has a character 'Papdi Priya' used as a metaphor to visually illustrate the same point. Priya puts on layers of make-up that manage to make her look pretty. However the moment she's exposed to hard sunlight, her make-up peels off making her unrecognizable to her own husband.
Prasoon Joshi, executive chairman and regional executive creative director, McCann Erickson Asia Pacific said, "The basic premise is that of a house whose paint peels of like 'papdi'. What we've basically done is humanized the problem. What would you do if your skin began peeling off like paint? Hence, the concept of Papdi Priya."
Joshi says the baseline 'Na papdi utre, na surat badle' tries to emphasize the end benefit – a house that doesn't peel off looks as good as new, irrespective of time or weather.
Brand: Nerolac Excel Total
Creative agency: McCann Erickson
Executive chairman & regional executive creative director – Asia Pacific: Prasoon Joshi
Creative director: Akshay Kapnadak
Copywriter: Ketan Deshpande
Media agency: Lodestar Universal
Director: Pradeep Sarkar
Production house: Aplocalypso Filmworks
Post production studio: Aplocalypso Filmworks
Exposure: Television