Micromax India announced the induction of Sanjay Kapoor, former CEO of Bharti Airtel to the Micromax promoter group and chairman of the board with immediate effect.
Rahul Sharma, co-founder of Micromax Informatics Limited said, “We are glad to have Sanjay to be a part of Micromax's promoter group and on our board as the new chairman. Sanjay is one of the most respected professionals in the Indian corporate world and has been instrumental in building some of the most successful technology brands in the country over the past three decades. I am confident that he will be able to provide required strategic direction to take our billion dollar business to the next level of growth and expansion.”
On his appointment, Kapoor said, “I am excited as an entrepreneur to be a part of the promoter group and as a professional to lead the Micromax board and management. Micromax is truly the new age brand that has made an indelible mark on the industry within a short time by changing the dynamics of the mobile eco-system. Proliferation in data services and cutting edge devices that make technology affordable for masses will be critical for next phase of growth and I am confident that Micromax will lead this transition.”
Prior to joining the Bharti Group, Kapoor worked with Xerox India. Currently, he is an active member on the board of Bennett, Coleman & Co. and PVR.