With four Golds, two Silvers and a Bronze, Mindshare was named Digital Agency of The Year at the first Campaign India Digital Media Awards, presented by bbc.com. The media agency won its Golds for its work on “Goodmorningheart.com” in the category Website – FMCG, “India says “My heart is healthy or at least I know if it’s not” in Best Loyalty Campaign, “2 million sq.cm of paper saved – What an Idea Sir ji!” in Media Innovation, and “Slumdog Millionaire Tagged On Facebook” for Marketing of Films. The two silvers were for Best Integrated for Idea and “Coming to Life with a code” in Media Innovation. The Bronze was for Goodmorningheart.com in online advertising.
Tribal DDB and Interface Business Solutions won five metals each. Interface romped home with three Golds, one Silver and one Bronze, all for its work on Tata DOCOMO. Tribal garnered two Golds and a Silver for its work on “Use Mobile, Save Paper”; the other silver and Bronze were for “Idea Mobile Roadie Challenge”.
OgilvyOne won a Gold for its “Zoozoos create unprecedented buzz” in Viral Marketing and Grandmother India led the pack in categories like Website – Best Agency, Website – Automotive and Website – Media. Arc Worldwide won a Gold for its work on Jaago Re! In Website – Not-for-Profit. Idea was named Digital Brand of The Year.
Read the complete list of winners here