MTV India recently unveiled an OOH campaign designed for Micromax MTV Unplugged, which aimed to combine audio, visual and digital media. Conceptualised by MTV and its media AoR, Vizeum India and executed in partnership with Posterscope, the OOH arm of Aegis Media, the hoardings, located at prominent positions at traffic choked intersections, highlighted a unique radio FM frequency - 90.8 FM. Pedestrians, or people travelling in a car or public transport could tune in to the radio frequency through their car audio (FM) device or personal mobile FM, and listen to non-stop episodes of Micromax MTV Unplugged. The tune-in opportunity will be available through the evening drive time (7pm – 9.30pm) through key arterial roads in Mumbai including SV Road, Linking Road and parts of Western Express Highway. MTV has associated with Jago Mumbai – the community radio station, for the OOH innovation activity, which commenced on 1 October.
On the digital side, the campaign allows the commuters to "check-in" to the MTV Unplugged experience using Facebook Places, Twitter and Foursquare apps.
Aditya Swamy, executive vice president and business head, MTV, said, “We live in a world of 24X7 entertainment with maximum interactivity. Through this campaign, we are taking the experience of Micromax MTV Unplugged out in the streets and the mechanics are really simple. If you are on the streets of Mumbai, look out for MTV signages. Tune into the mentioned FM frequency and immerse in MTV’s musical journey. Check-in on FB places or foursquare to share. Shut out the traffic, switch to MTV’s Unplugged music with your favourite artistes.”
S. Yesudas, managing director - Indian sub-continent, Vizeum India, added, “The concept of surrounding the Mumbai commuters with pure music from MTV’s Unplugged is the framework of the media strategy and execution. ‘Unplugged’ in itself lend beautifully to taking MTV to a different platform from the TV screens. Starting with identification of the radio frequency to the attention grabbing-innovatively executed outdoor billboards at arterial roads, ensuring visibility and tune ins, has been a long passionate journey in bringing music to music lovers at their convenience and comfort, truly unplugged from the usual TV screens. But has the potential of driving traffic to the TV screens.”