New York Festivals (NYF) has announced its call for entries for the 2013 competition honoring the world’s best advertising.
The International Advertising Awards competition receives entries from 70 countries and recognises work in all media in the following competitions: Avant-Garde, Branded Entertainment, Creative Marketing Effectiveness, Design, Digital, Direct and Collateral, Film, Integrated, Outdoor, Print, Public and Media Relations, Public Service, Radio and Student. In 2012, there were a total of six entries from India that won the Finalist Certificate award.
NYF is expected to make an announcement soon on the jury members for 2013.
The 2013 New York Show, NYF’s two-day series of events, will begin on 1 May, 2013, and will feature creative panel discussions, keynote speakers, networking events, the 2013 Executive Jury press conference, exhibits, and the 2 May International Advertising Awards ceremony.
Entries submitted before 16 December will receive a 10 per cent discount on fees, while those submitted after 27 January will be subject to a 15 per cent late fee.