Mudra DDB has appointed Nilanjan Dasgupta as creative director. He comes from Rediffusion DY&R where he was creative partner. At Mudra, Dasgupta will head the group which handles the soon-to-be-launched ADAG’s DTH venture, Big TV. He will work closely with Bobby Pawar, chief creative officer and Jagdish Acharya, executive creative director. Dasgupta has worked for agencies including Grey Worldwide, McCann Erickson and Rediffusion DY&R.His portfolio includes Gold Flake, Airtel, Ananda Bazar Patrika, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Eveready Batteries, Onida, Indian Oil, Kaya Skin Clinic and Bank of Maharashtra.
Nilanjan Dasgupta joins Mudra DDB
Mudra DDB has appointed Nilanjan Dasgupta as creative director. He comes from Rediffusion DY&R where he was creative partner. At Mudra, Dasgupta will head the group which handles the soon-to-be-launched ADAG’s DTH venture, Big TV. He will work closely with Bobby Pawar, chief creative officer and Jagdish Acharya, executive creative director.
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