Following news reports of Republic TV's Arnab Goswami allegedly paying former BARC chief executive officer Partho Dasgupta US$ 12,000 for two holidays and a total of Rs 40 lakh over three years, the channel's editor-in-chief has stated that he will be publicly declaring all his financial details.
According to a note from Republic TV, Goswami, and his wife and senior executive editor of the Republic Media Network, Samyabrata Ray Goswami, are going to publicly declare all their income, salaries, expenditures, loans, insurance policies, educational expenses, medical expenses, and their entire bank accounts since 2004 – the year they moved to Mumbai.
The note shared by Republic TV adds that Dasgupta's wife, Samrajini Dasgupta, has made multiple public statements that he was physically tortured to falsely implicate Arnab Goswami. It has been stated by his wife that Dasgupta was assaulted in custody and told "this will not be over till you name Arnab Goswami”.
According to the note, Arnab Goswami and his wife will be putting all their personal financial details in a document and publicly handing it over to the CBI, the ED and should the Mumbai Police be interested, then to them as well.
The note also adds that any attempt to slander Goswami will be met with a direct legal response.