Shishir Joshi, who recently moved from MiD DAY as its group editorial director, has launched his entrepreneurial initiative, Journalism Mentor. He has joined hands with senior journalist Dr Aloke Thakore to launch this one-year mentorship programme for aspiring journalists. The programme will begin in August 2009 and will be conducted in Mumbai.
The institute also plans to include shorter courses for working journalists and professionals later.
Explaining the need for such a course, Joshi said, “The gap between what is taught and what skills are needed is wide. Those entering the profession, whether in print or television, flounder. The need for proper education is more than ever. Senior journalists have shared this need and some of them are supporting this initiative as mentors. For me teaching has been an abiding interest and I am eager to make sure that this programme delivers the best in journalism education.”
Talking about the uniqueness of this course, he said, “It is a mentorship programme where senior working journalists will walk through with the students. No student who qualifies for admission will be denied entry because of inadequate financial resources. Also, language will not be a barrier. The top five performers will get confirmed placements.”
Joshi has been teaching at institutes across India including MICA, Symbiosis and is on the Board of Sophia College's journalism programme.
Shishir Joshi launches Journalism Mentor
Shishir Joshi, who recently moved from MiD DAY as its group editorial director, has launched his entrepreneurial initiative, Journalism Mentor. He has joined hands with senior journalist Dr Aloke Thakore to launch this one-year mentorship programme for aspiring journalists. The programme will begin in August 2009 and will be conducted in Mumbai.
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