Listening to a song that reminds you of a bad time in your life is not always a bad thing.
— Obstetrix (@ScissorTongue) October 25, 2013
It's not the months and years that get wasted, it's the minutes and hours.
— Bruce Van Horn (@BruceVH) October 25, 2013
"Why Gauhar Khan broke up with Nihaar Pandya REVEALED". If there's such a thing as the opposite of link bait, I guess I found it.
— Rohan Joshi (@mojorojo) October 25, 2013
The only reason I would use BBM over WhatsApp is cause I feel it's more secure!
— Hardik Shah (@hardik) October 24, 2013
Have a feeling the same #PR army which puts steroids on #NaMo quotes also puts the idiot sauce on #RaGa quotes. Don't believe either.
— Malay Desai (@MalayD) October 24, 2013
What kind of mallus like to eat cereal for breakfast? Chackos! #kimgoing
— Adieux (@adamantinoma) October 22, 2013
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. ~ Groucho Marx
— Reg Saddler (@zaibatsu) October 22, 2013
One fine day Karva s husband was taking bath in a river when a crocodile attacked him..hubby started screaming karva save me! #KarvaChauth
— Tulika Dubey (@tulikaD) October 22, 2013
SRK's name in most HIT movies was 'Rahul'. Sonia should try changing her son's name to Shah Rukh Gandhi. Maybe that rule works both ways.
— Mihir Bijur (@MihirBijur) October 22, 2013
When the Indian government runs a ponzi scheme, we just call it Provident Fund.
— Madhu Menon (@madmanweb) October 22, 2013
History is refracted by the perceptions and predilections of its narrators. Meandering memory masquerading as irrefutable fact
— Madhavan Narayanan (@madversity) October 22, 2013