Campaign India Team
Mar 01, 2019

Unmetric Engagement Meter: Facebook top 20 (11-20 February)

Posts from All Out, Cadbury Dairy Milk, GoPaisa and more...

Unmetric Engagement Meter: Facebook top 20 (11-20 February)
Unmetric, a social media intelligence firm focused on brands, uses its analytics platform to analyse top performing campaigns, content and videos.  
The company's 'Engagement Score' rates each piece of content from 0 to 1000 depending on the amount of user interactions. The methodology measures engagement with respect to follower base. 
For Campaign India's 'Engagement Meter' feature, we bring you the top 20 pieces of content on Facebook basis the Unmetric Engagement Score.  
These are the ones at the top on the basis of shares, from among over a thousand with an engagement score of 1000, from 11-20 February.
All Out India
Likes: 2,938
Shares: 6,690
Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk
Likes: 2,468
Shares: 2,83,349
Likes: 1,894
Shares: 528
Skore India
Likes: 1,441
Shares: 502
Tata AIA Life Insurance
Likes: 365
Shares: 59,657
Likes: 321
Shares: 32,219
Gemini Cooking Oil
Likes: 316
Shares: 10,530
Likes: 311
Shares: 49,352
Manforce Condoms
Likes: 239
Shares: 19,352
Reliance SMART
Likes: 218
Shares: 482
Future Generali
Likes: 210
Shares: 5,498
Little Hearts
Likes: 200
Shares: 46,497
Likes: 190
Shares: 13,087
Kellogg's 'Anaaj ka Nashta�
Likes: 154
Shares: 96,515
Karvy Growth Hub
Likes: 147
Shares: 1,854
SF Watches
Likes: 146
Shares: 19,400
Nicotex India
Likes: 128
Shares: 17,688
Century Plyboards
Likes: 128
Shares: 14,961
ACC Parivar
Likes: 119
Shares: 232
Leonardo Olive Oil
Likes: 119
Shares: 13,447


Campaign India

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